
Now Playing: Belinda Carlisle "Circle in the Sand"
I had a lovely visit yesterday with fellow blogger, LauraJ. Me, being blond for a part of today (and could that have anything to do with the fact that I finally finished our taxes yesterday and feel exhausted?), forgot to be home by 3:30, and Laura had to track me down via cell phone. But once I arrived home, we enjoyed some Jasmine Blossom tea from Adagio teas, talked fiber and shared some good stories. I will be staying with Laura when I go up to NH and vend at the NHS&W show, which I'm looking forward to. It's always nice to have a place to stay (rather than sleeping in the back of one's car), but to be staying with a friend, is especially nice.
Laura was extra kind in preforming some Reiki on me. If you haven't had Reiki done before, it allows energy to flow freely within your body. It is incredibly calming and energizing at the same time. I believe in alternative methods of medicine (I didn't used to, but after a car accident, which left me with serious back problems I had to seek some sort of help, as the doctors as the hospital were unable to help me). I didn't know what to expect with Reiki, but it was very helpful today.
Laura is taking a course in tablet weaving at Webs this weekend, and I'm looking forward to seeing what she learns. Weaving is on my list of "want to do's" but I'd better get a studio built first before I move a loom into our house. :)
Posted by baycolonyfarm
at 4:43 AM EST