A Day at Bay Colony Farm
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Saturday, 11 September 2004
The Treasures of Brimfield
Mood:  party time!
Now Playing: "Can't Stop This Thing We Started" by Bryan Adams
Brimfield blew my mind! So many antique (and non-antique) vendors in one spot. I don't really think of myself as an antique nut, although I do love old things, but this place was amazing. And I scored my biggest deal of the day before we even got to Brimfield, at a little antique store in Palmer. This is my newest treasure:

I was able to talk the dealer down by almost 50% off his asking price on this wheel, because it needs work, and he didn't know wheels. I'll send this up to Dave at the Merlin Tree, and let him do his doctoring magic, and then I'll have a lovely little chair wheel.

My next treasure is a pristine cranberry barrel label, one that I've never seen before. I collect vintage cranberry labels. I started this on our honeymoon, almost 8 years ago, and have continued, picking a few up here and there each year when I have a little extra spending money. My goal is to have each one framed, and hang them in my kitchen. So far, I have over 20 labels, and I was able to pick up another 8 at another dealer, for $5 each. Score!

Here is the big label I purchased. DH is going to make a round frame for it for me.

We had a lovely day with Jim and Carol, and Carol scored a few items for herself; two small wooden baskets, and two wooden buckets. One of the baskets had fruit labels on each end, which were in nice shape.

I did see a total of 4 spinning wheels in Brimfield, and we only covered approximately 1/4 of the vendor area. One great wheel (badly warped, and missing the minor's head), and three smaller wheels; two antiques, and one which was approximately 30 years old. The best antique wheel was only selling for $325, and all the pieces were there, but since I already have one that is similar in size, age, and style, I decided to not purchase it. Some other lucky spinner will find that treasure. :)

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 8:02 PM EDT
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