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Sunday, September 25, 2005
And the winner is......
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Whitesnake "Is This Love"
Topic: Contest

Sarah G Brearley, who sent in this link from Sandy's Knitting.

Since Sandy wasn't aware of her picture even being entered, I'm sending a prize to her too. :)

Please look for this color way to be previewed at Rhinebeck. I'll be working on getting the colors correct this week.

Autumn has hit New England today. It is overcast, cold and damp. It is the first day I've HAD to wear sweat pants and a sweat shirt to stay warm. I even got out my slippers to keep my feet warm. I've lit a Mandarin Cranberry candle, and might even get the woodstove going this afternoon, if I feel like taking a trip out to the woodpile.
I keep reminding myself that I have 3 weeks until Rhinebeck; Yahoooo! :)

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 2:03 PM EDT

Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 10:21 PM EDT

Name: Teresa C
Home Page: http://soupgirls.typepad.com/knittingtheblues

Hey! (And I am not trying to get a prize off of you, really), but that is the exact photo I based the colorway idea I sent in on. I have been trying to get a Charlotte's Web in Koigu, and have come up with some that do it, but not all. So cool! So I feel like a winner because of the great minds think alike and all! Hee hee. Sandy will be so thrilled!!! That makes me hap, hap, happy! Great choice.

Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 10:26 PM EDT

Name: Teresa C

Heh! Hubby and I have just gone down the list of your "Now Playing"s. We are definitely from the same era! My favorite surprise? Saved by Zero by the Fixx. Brings back memories. I went to the Foxboro Stadium and saw them with the Police and Flock of Seagulls. I would NEVER do that again. We had general admission seating (standing, avoiding vomit was more like it) and I am only 4'11", so I didn't see anything unless I was on my brother's friend's shoulders. That was the only place I could breathe too. And the sunburn? Only when you're young I guess.

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 2:01 PM EDT

Name: Denise

Ohhh, I love this color way...Can't wait to see it in person. What is your booth number at Rhineback?

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