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Another Day at Bay Colony Farm
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Ooooh, my aching back!
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: The Time "Jungle Love"
Don't forget, Saturday is the Franklin County Fiber Twist in Greenfield, MA and throughout Franklin County at various farms. I'll be vending at the Guiding Star Grange #1 and doing a bunny shearing demo at 1:00 p.m. So stop on by, and say Hi!

No fiber production to report here. None, nada, zero, zilch. So if that is what you are looking for, then you might as well stop reading now. This post is about hard, physical work.

I've been in meetings for the past several days, and last night worked, running an edge bander, which puts the plastic taped edges on melamine. This isn't my full time job, but I do this to help out at my husband's company when they are on a time crunch to get a job done.

Running an edge bander looks way easier than it actually is. It is like playing "Beat the Clock". You need to have the next piece line up to go into the machine by the time the red light turns off. It looks easy. At least I thought it did. Then I actually did it. Ha! There is a lot of exercise in doing this type of labor, something that my body isn't exactly used to. And waking up in the morning with sore muscles, and a sore back is the norm. ;-)

I'm going back there later today to finish up what we started last night. And then tomorrow night is the Halloween party at the Holyoke Soldier's Home, and I promised I'd take my boys to it. If I get the chance, I'm hoping to pick up the knitting needles sometime soon; I'm anxious to be working on a fiber project, not just work. :)

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 8:40 AM EDT

Thursday, October 27, 2005 - 10:24 AM EDT

Name: Kathy
Home Page: http://knitigator.typepad.com

Look forward to seeing you on Saturday at Fiber Twist!

Thursday, October 27, 2005 - 12:42 PM EDT

Name: Dharia
Home Page: http://skeintilyclad.blogspot.com

i'm planning on going to the fiber twist! i'll definitely stop by and say 'hi'!

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