
Now Playing: Seal "Kiss From A Rose"
Topic: Contest
O.k. everyone. Here they are. Pick your top three. Then go over to the Baycolonyfarm@yahoogroups website (you must be a member to vote!) and click on Polls. The poll will be open until July 5th. I've extended the voting time to allow the most votes.
Out of those members that vote, I will pick a random name, and that person will receive a small gift from me too.
Remember; the winning colorway will be named after the creator and debuted this fall at a fiber show!
1. Name: Chemical Sunset
Colors: Ranging from purple to pink to orange to yellow. There are also
blues (the sky, of course) and other colors in the mix sometimes. The purple
and pink are quite vibrant. The orange is a bit reddish but soft. The yellow
is pretty pale and soft as well."
2. Pumpkin Seaglass
3. Keylime seaglass
4. Cranberry seaglass
5. Amethyst seaglass
6. Honey seaglass
7. Sandpiper
8. Plover
9. Blue Heron
10. Atlantic Puffin
11. The colors I choose are dark red and gold. The name for this colorway is Chinese Money.
12. How about a copper/orange /deep yellow called Iced Tea w/Lemon
13. Or a reddish orange/brighter orange/light orange called DayLily?
14. Ocean Drive at Night:
The colors are transformed into their bright, vivid, almost neon counterparts. Its all about nightlife and having fun. think 1980's Miami vice. All the hotels are lit up with bright teal, HOT PINK. bright blue. possibly on a black background. maybe bright kelly green.
15. Ocean Drive by day:
The colors are of the beach and the historic art deco hotels. Its a serene feeling of days gone by and men in seersucker. you'd have sandy beige, light sky blue, coral pink, and light teal. Possibly some dark leaf green as an accent color (palm trees!!) colors are soft in tone, but not quite pastel. trip/journal/day6.htm
16. I have a submission for the contest. It should look like the color of storm clouds that you see off in the distance on a hot summers day. Heavy clouds that are thick with threatening rain. A grey color with some blue and maybe even purple thrown in. It is a very dark yet dramatic color. I like seeing them because it usually means we will get some rain that will cool everything off. But then again I like rain. :-) It is called "Stormy sky".
17. The first is a blend of red, white and blue. It should be called "Patriot" or "Independence day".
18. The second popped into my head because I am surrounded by this colorway in my home. It is a blend of (black or grey), brown and green. I would call this "Hunting season" or "Camo" :-)
19. If you use two different greens instead of the black or grey and add brown it is the camo color of the military. (well it was when I served anyhow) For that blend I would use the name "Warrior" or "Camo" also.
20. Ist colourway is Mediterranean - there is an exquisite crystalline clarity to the sea around Tropea - all blues, greens and aqua's. Once you dive beneath there are tiny electric purple fish that catch the sun and dart about. I am attaching a picture called tropeamareacqua which gives you an idea of the blues and greens (but not the purple). I envisage a wonderfully vibrant mix of blues and greens with a hint of bright purple (which could be angelina or silk, but also could be angora or wool).
21. The second colourway is Stromboli. The Aeolian Islands appear to be so close you could almost touch them, especially Stromboli- an extraordinary active volcano which looms out of the ocean. My heart leaps when i see it as i know that i am finally back when i see the sun setting behind Stromboli. The ocean turns an incredible shade of purple- with lilacs and blues running though it, and the sky ranges from flame orange though persimmon and apricot into wonderful pink shades (like the prickly pear fruit on the hillsides) and finally palest pink.
22. I have a suggestion. Go to this blog and scroll down to the photo of the sunset over the lake and mountains.
Okay, that is sort of what I am going for. Thing is, in real life it is all a little brighter, but not TOO bright. The blue of the late afternoon/early evening summer sky against the green in the trees and the darker blue/green of the water and the reflection in the lake of the trees, and the pink of the pollution and heat in the air (I know, not very romantic, but you know what I mean).
23. Iris Garden; shades of pink, plum, magenta, turquoise and lime green
24. Name: New England Sunset
Colors: Dusky gray-blue, lighter gray blue, dark fuschia pink, dark
(but bright) orange, silvery gray.
25. Mudslay State Park:
Orange a lighter shade citrus orange, a slightly darker orange like the shade of brown eyed suzy and then throw in a little purple. Like the color of purple and dark yellow pansies. Maybe throw in some yellow to compliment. Perhaps a light purple.

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