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It's Wine-thirty!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Happy Annivesary honey!
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Suzanne Vega "Luka"

First off, I wanted to wish my husband a very happy anniversary! Nine years ago today, we got married.

Nine years ago:

1. We were 29 and 35, respectively. DH had said that he wanted to get married by the time he was 35; he just made it by two days.
2. We had dated for almost 3 years before the wedding.
3. We had just bought our house.
4. DH was making plastic injection molds and I was working for another company as an independent contractor.
5. Had just adopted Smitty and Smoosh our cats. I had one rabbit at the time, named Velvet, who was an epileptic Rex (I was given her because she needed Phenobarbitol twice a day and the previous owners didn't want to be bothered). My original angora Jolson had died just 2 months earlier. We had my niece carry a basket with a stuffed bunny in it during the ceremony, instead of flowers since Jolson was supposed to be part of the ceremony.
6. The weather was terrible on the day we got married; windy and overcast. It started to rain just as we left for the reception.
7. We paid for the wedding and reception ourselves, and spent a little over $3,000 for the whole thing.
8. DH had proposed to me only 10 months earlier, during a snow storm on the beach in RI. We went and saw George Winston preform that evening at a theater in Providence.
9. We had no plans to have children, but were starting to think along those lines. :)

And now, 9 years later, we have:

1. Two beautiful boys, ages 7 and 4. They are the light of our lives.
2. We still live in the same house, although it is in better condition than when we bought it.
3. DH is now the production supervisor for a company that makes POP displays and I co-own the company that I work at, and I run Bay Colony Farm as a second business.
4. I have 20+ angora rabbits now, and DH built the barn in which they live.
5. We still have Smitty and Smoosh, and have added Trina to the mix. Smoosh and Trina get along; Smitty and Trina don't.
6. My niece, the flower girl at our wedding, is now a teenager and in 8th grade! Yikes!
7. Today is windy, but sunny. The colors in the trees look much the same as they did 9 years ago.
8. Tonight, DH and I hope to have a nice dinner out. Friday we'll celebrate his birthday here at home, with a cake and his favorite dinner.
9. It hasn't always been easy, but it has been worth it. :)

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 9:58 AM EDT
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
It's the start of a new day
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Jimmy Buffett "Son of a Son of a Sailor"
This is my personal blog. I might discuss things on here that I wouldn't discuss on my other blog, which I consider a "business" blog.

No, this one will be more personal, about the way I view things that go on around me.

I may talk about the heartbreak of watching my father succumb to Parkinson's Disease, the joy of watching my son overcome his learning disabilities, the many hours my husband works, or how my youngest son is such a joy to take out to a restaurant because he's such a good eater.

Who knows? But it will be for me, and probably a bit therapeutic at the same time.

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 11:23 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, October 4, 2005 11:24 AM EDT
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