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Thursday, May 26, 2005
The Height of Tackiness
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Frankie Valle and the Four Seasons "Who Loves You"
Topic: Rant

Sometimes I'm completely amazed that people are either so clueless or so completely gutsey by some of the things they do.

Take for instance, a person who sells via the internet, posted on a list this morning that she is attending "Show A" and will bring a few things she'd like to sell. Normally, this isn't a huge problem as people commonly post about wheels for sale, or drum carders and the like, and that they will deliver the item to be picked up at the fair. O.k., that's fine. It saves shipping for people, and is a good system, linking fiber people with tools they need, and giving those used tools a good home. BUT, bringing along MOST of your inventory and vending out of the back of your car, while recognized vendors have paid for spots, that is completely different. I find that to be reprehensible and so low. Why should one person think that they are above the rules of the shows, especially since others have paid for the privilage of selling there? What sets them apart from the rest except that they feel they can skirt the rules?

If you want to vend at a show; rent a space, or share with someone who is a recognized vendor. But don't vend out of the back of your vehicle, thinking that no one is paying attention. People are watching, and if you are lucky, you will only be asked to leave. But you will also damage your reputation with other vendors (who will give the shirts off of their backs to fellow vendors, and help out any way that they can if you have a crisis at a show) and you'll damage your reputation with the consumer, who will start to wonder if all your dealings are honest or not.

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 10:08 AM EDT
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Impatient. Who, me?
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Rant
O.k. So I'm impatient. So sue me. ;-)

I was having some technical difficulties with my old blog, so I decided to start another. I've added more blogs that I read, and more fiber websites, that will hopefully provide new blog viewers with interesting things to read.

I'm in the middle of contractor hell. My personal contractor is wonderful. I think she's great! It isn't her that I'm having problems with, but instead, the contractor who is hired by Lowe's to come and replace our front door. We were there a week ago. We were told that once we paid our $30 for him to come out, he'd call in 48 hours to schedule a time to come out. No call. I waited a week and called Lowe's. They were at a loss as to why he hadn't called. Of course, he called last night (I know they called him to give him the "What for?"). He said he'd be out between 11 and 1 today. So I waited. And waited. And waited. No contractor, so I leave to pick up DS#2 from preschool at 1 p.m. Of course he shows up while I'm out. Tnankfully, my original contractor's employee was here painting and asked him to wait. He did, and we discussed the new door. From the way things move in contractor land, it will be another month or two before that door is in. More waiting. Great.

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 2:42 PM EDT

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