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Another Day at Bay Colony Farm
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Mood:  bright
Topic: Contest
I forgot to add; e-mail me at Baycolonyfarm @ aol dot com with your answers. :)

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 7:44 AM EST
Thursday, March 9, 2006
And the winner is.....
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Jon Secada "Angel"
Topic: Contest

Jessie in CT!

Jessie came up with Abigail, which suits the wheel very well. Claudia's name of Prudence came in a close second.

So I'll give Jessie a choice of 2 Winter's Night Sky roving bumps (4 ounces of German Angora/Corriedale blend) or a 2 ounce skein of the 85% German Angora/15% Merino yarn.


Thank you to everyone who entered the contest. There were some great names sent in! :)

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 4:25 PM EST
Tuesday, March 7, 2006
Home for the day
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Boyz II Men "On Bended Knee"
Topic: Contest

"The Question" by Robert Frost

A voice said, Look me in the stars
And tell me truly, men of earth,
If all the soul-and-body scars
Were not too much to pay for birth.

I've had some excellent suggestions so far in The Contest, but keep them coming. I'll pick the winner on Thursday. :)

I'm home today, fighting a cold. My younger brother Luke is flying home from CA on Thursday, and my oldest brother Greg is coming home on Friday with his family, so I want to be well enough to spend the weekend with them.

I think I'll spend the day spinning the Winter's Night Sky roving that I saved out for myself. It's a future shawl.

BTW, if anyone is looking for some good light mystery reading, I highly recommend the Phillip R. Craig Vineyard Murder series. I'm on my fourth book, and really enjoying them.

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 9:02 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, March 7, 2006 9:08 AM EST
Sunday, March 5, 2006
A new contest!
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Jennifer Paige "Crush"
Topic: Contest

I promised a new contest so here it is. It isn't the contest I had originally planned, but we'll do that one later this week.

I picked up my Connecticut chair wheel from Cate late this afternoon. Mamacate was kind enough to bring her all the way home from SPA, where Dave from the Merlin Tree had brought her to surprise me, not knowing that I wouldn't be there. But I'm surprised enough! She looked like this when I purchased her in September of '04 and now she looks like this:

Isn't she pretty?

Now, all she needs is a name. That is where you come in! From now until Wednesday, I would like for you to post your name suggestions. Out of the ones that I think suit her, I'll pick one and that person will win a prize from the fiber stash. If you're a knitter, I'll send you yarn, if you're a spinner, I'll send you some roving. And if you don't do either of those things, I have other cool stuff that I can send out. :)

Now, I have other things to share with you all.

Today we took a trip out to Old Sturbridge Village. This is an awesome place for people of ANY age to visit. I've been here several times, as has my husband, but my kids haven't. And they loved it (keep in mind that they are 4 and 7, so like I said, it's for people of any age). Our first stop was at the Rural Industries building, where both boys made a tin candleholders. Next we toured the Firearms and Textile building. While the guys checked out the firearms, I headed straight for the textiles. There, I found these:

I guess I was surprised because I have two wheels that are almost identical. I was also able to view 25 samplers from the 'Busy Hands and Useful Hours': Samplers and Embroidered Textiles display which was excellent! This display runs for most of the year, but don't miss it; it is well worth the trip and admission cost.

Next on our tour, we headed to the Salem Towne House where they had some sheep.

And the Salem Towne House

After that we were on to the Bullard Tavern where we had a light lunch. Then we headed over to the Fenno House, where they keep some livestock from the Heritage Breeds Conservancy, a very worthy organization. Here are a couple pictures of the sheep (look at all that lovely wool!) and a cow. Doesn't it's fur look spinnable?

We left OSV, went to Country Curtains, Crabtree and Evelyn, and then to an overpriced antique store nearby (really people, if you want antiques, do not shop at the ones in touristy areas).

We had a great day, and I have other pictures to share, but I'll share them one by one over the next few days.

So, remember to post your choice of name for my Connecticut Chair wheel in the comments section and we'll go from there!

Good luck! :)

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 7:51 PM EST
Thursday, March 2, 2006
A new contest on the way!
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Fleetwood Mac "Go Your Own Way"
Topic: Contest

This weekend, I'll be announcing a new contest. Out of all the correct answers, I'll pick one name at random, and they will win a prize from the fiber stash.

That's all I'm saying for now about the contest; I want people to be surprised. :)

And here is my picture of the day. I took this a few minutes ago, and it has only been snowing for 45 minutes. It makes me really glad that Marcy and I finished our errand running before this hit today.

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 5:05 PM EST
Monday, September 26, 2005
Let's try that again....
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: Journey "When You Love A Woman"
Topic: Contest

My mistake. Sarah was gracious in letting me know that she only voted for that colorway, but didn't suggest it. The person who did suggest it is Teresa!.


I'm working on dyeing some corriedale dark blue. Just wait till you see what that looks like at Rhinebeck! I'm in Building A, space 16 if you'd like to stop by.

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 3:52 PM EDT
Sunday, September 25, 2005
And the winner is......
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Whitesnake "Is This Love"
Topic: Contest

Sarah G Brearley, who sent in this link from Sandy's Knitting.

Since Sandy wasn't aware of her picture even being entered, I'm sending a prize to her too. :)

Please look for this color way to be previewed at Rhinebeck. I'll be working on getting the colors correct this week.

Autumn has hit New England today. It is overcast, cold and damp. It is the first day I've HAD to wear sweat pants and a sweat shirt to stay warm. I even got out my slippers to keep my feet warm. I've lit a Mandarin Cranberry candle, and might even get the woodstove going this afternoon, if I feel like taking a trip out to the woodpile.
I keep reminding myself that I have 3 weeks until Rhinebeck; Yahoooo! :)

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 2:03 PM EDT
Wednesday, July 6, 2005
The Contest!
Mood:  party time!
Now Playing: Def Leppard
Topic: Contest
I'm extending the voting to July 10th! I've been so busy lately, that approving new members has lagged way behind on the Bay Colony Farm Yahoogroup.

So, please click here to join and cast your vote. It is the only way to vote; I can't take personal e-mail ballots right now as I'm getting too much e-mail to keep track. :) Don't worry; it is a low traffic list, and I won't ever use your e-mail to sell to others.

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Click to join BayColonyFarm

I'm off tonight to see Def Leppard and Bryan Adams.

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 5:27 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, July 6, 2005 5:29 AM EDT
Friday, July 1, 2005
The voting
Mood:  party time!
Now Playing: Elton John "Island Girl"
Topic: Contest
If you are concerned about joining another e-mail list, I want to reassure you that the Bay Colony Farm group is a very low traffic list. I set it up to let people know about classes we are hosting and shows that we will be attending. So if you were worried about joining another list where there was lots of chat about things other than fiber, rest assure that that doesn't really happen on my list. :)

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I won't be around much this weekend and probably won't be posting here. I'm preparing for a July 4th event and it's crunch time now. So for my U.S. readers, I'm wishing you a very happy and safe July 4th weekend! And for the rest of you that aren't celebrating, I hope you all get a lot of fiber time in this weekend, and lots of time to relax! ;-)

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 6:04 AM EDT
Thursday, June 30, 2005
The Contest Voting Begins!
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Seal "Kiss From A Rose"
Topic: Contest
O.k. everyone. Here they are. Pick your top three. Then go over to the Baycolonyfarm@yahoogroups website (you must be a member to vote!) and click on Polls. The poll will be open until July 5th. I've extended the voting time to allow the most votes.

Out of those members that vote, I will pick a random name, and that person will receive a small gift from me too.

Remember; the winning colorway will be named after the creator and debuted this fall at a fiber show!

1. Name: Chemical Sunset
Colors: Ranging from purple to pink to orange to yellow. There are also
blues (the sky, of course) and other colors in the mix sometimes. The purple
and pink are quite vibrant. The orange is a bit reddish but soft. The yellow
is pretty pale and soft as well."

2. Pumpkin Seaglass

3. Keylime seaglass

4. Cranberry seaglass

5. Amethyst seaglass

6. Honey seaglass

7. Sandpiper

8. Plover

9. Blue Heron

10. Atlantic Puffin

11. The colors I choose are dark red and gold. The name for this colorway is Chinese Money.

12. How about a copper/orange /deep yellow called Iced Tea w/Lemon

13. Or a reddish orange/brighter orange/light orange called DayLily?

14. Ocean Drive at Night:
The colors are transformed into their bright, vivid, almost neon counterparts. Its all about nightlife and having fun. think 1980's Miami vice. All the hotels are lit up with bright teal, HOT PINK. bright blue. possibly on a black background. maybe bright kelly green.

15. Ocean Drive by day:
The colors are of the beach and the historic art deco hotels. Its a serene feeling of days gone by and men in seersucker. you'd have sandy beige, light sky blue, coral pink, and light teal. Possibly some dark leaf green as an accent color (palm trees!!) colors are soft in tone, but not quite pastel.
www.roundamerica.com/ trip/journal/day6.htm

16. I have a submission for the contest. It should look like the color of storm clouds that you see off in the distance on a hot summers day. Heavy clouds that are thick with threatening rain. A grey color with some blue and maybe even purple thrown in. It is a very dark yet dramatic color. I like seeing them because it usually means we will get some rain that will cool everything off. But then again I like rain. :-) It is called "Stormy sky".

17. The first is a blend of red, white and blue. It should be called "Patriot" or "Independence day".

18. The second popped into my head because I am surrounded by this colorway in my home. It is a blend of (black or grey), brown and green. I would call this "Hunting season" or "Camo" :-)

19. If you use two different greens instead of the black or grey and add brown it is the camo color of the military. (well it was when I served anyhow) For that blend I would use the name "Warrior" or "Camo" also.

20. Ist colourway is Mediterranean - there is an exquisite crystalline clarity to the sea around Tropea - all blues, greens and aqua's. Once you dive beneath there are tiny electric purple fish that catch the sun and dart about. I am attaching a picture called tropeamareacqua which gives you an idea of the blues and greens (but not the purple). I envisage a wonderfully vibrant mix of blues and greens with a hint of bright purple (which could be angelina or silk, but also could be angora or wool).

21. The second colourway is Stromboli. The Aeolian Islands appear to be so close you could almost touch them, especially Stromboli- an extraordinary active volcano which looms out of the ocean. My heart leaps when i see it as i know that i am finally back when i see the sun setting behind Stromboli. The ocean turns an incredible shade of purple- with lilacs and blues running though it, and the sky ranges from flame orange though persimmon and apricot into wonderful pink shades (like the prickly pear fruit on the hillsides) and finally palest pink.

22. I have a suggestion. Go to this blog and scroll down to the photo of the sunset over the lake and mountains.
Okay, that is sort of what I am going for. Thing is, in real life it is all a little brighter, but not TOO bright. The blue of the late afternoon/early evening summer sky against the green in the trees and the darker blue/green of the water and the reflection in the lake of the trees, and the pink of the pollution and heat in the air (I know, not very romantic, but you know what I mean).

23. Iris Garden; shades of pink, plum, magenta, turquoise and lime green

24. Name: New England Sunset
Colors: Dusky gray-blue, lighter gray blue, dark fuschia pink, dark
(but bright) orange, silvery gray.

25. Mudslay State Park:
Orange a lighter shade citrus orange, a slightly darker orange like the shade of brown eyed suzy and then throw in a little purple. Like the color of purple and dark yellow pansies. Maybe throw in some yellow to compliment. Perhaps a light purple.

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Ready, set, VOTE!

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 6:53 AM EDT

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