
Now Playing: Paul McCartney and Wings "Band on the Run"
Topic: Rabbits
Since last Spring, my youngest son Nate has been a big helper when taking care of the rabbits. At the age of 4, he is in charge of filling the water bottles at the bunny condo. At least three of the cages are rather high, and he has trouble getting the filled bottles back into the bottle holders, but he doesn't give up. Cal has only started taking an interest in the rabbits, and wanting to help feed. He has to help with the bottles in the barn first, and then I allow him to fill a couple of feed dishes. Both boys get 25 cents per bottle. Nate did enough bottles in three weeks last September that he made over $13.00!
Anyway, I had Nate outside with me, feeding and watering the bunnies. Again, he was working on filling the four bottles at the bunny condo. I can usually fill three bottles to his one, but hey, every little bit helps. So, I walk over to the bunny condo to start feeding the boys, and Nate is standing on the deck, with a sad look on his face. When I asked what was wrong, he started to cry and tell me that Twist had bitten his finger! Even after having his finger bitten, he filled Twist's bottle, and washed off his finger, even though it was bleeding slightly. I think it hurt more than than the shock of being bitten. Now, Twist is a gentle rabbit. But I suspect that Nate's finger looked a bit like a carrot and Twist was hungry. I held Nate and told him that Twist is a good boy and wouldn't hurt him on purpose. And then I was able to convince him to not only pet Twist, but to also fill Twist's food dish with pellets. Nate did both things well, and without complaint. I even had him smiling while he was filling the food dish. I'm one to believe that if you fall off a horse, you get right back up on it and tell it who is in charge!
The Accused:
And the Victim:
All better now (yes, he is holding up his middle finger, but I swear, he has no idea what it means, or that it even means anything). ;-)