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Thursday, September 8, 2005
Spin-In in Amherst, MA
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: The Spinners "Could It Be I'm Falling In Love"
Topic: Class Information & Shows
I want to let people know that there will be a Spin-In on the Amherst Town Common on October 1st, 2005 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Fiber Arts Center (http://www.fiberartcenter.com/) is hosting this event to kick off National Spinning and Weaving Week.

I'm looking for spinners that might like to spend an hour or two teaching people how to spin; either on a wheel or on a spindle. If you would like to teach, please e-mail me privately at Baycolonyfarm@aol.com so that I can put you on the schedule. Linda Diak and I will be there all day, teaching spinning to those that want to learn, but we'd love more people to help!

If you would like to join us, either just to spin, or to teach, please come! The Apple Harvest Festival will be going on at the same time, so this promises to be a fun event, with LOTS of people!

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 8:18 AM EDT
Friday, June 3, 2005
Busy week!
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Walter Egan "Hot Summer Nights"
Topic: Class Information & Shows

Cummington was fabulous! Leslie sold three of the four Germans she brought down from Canada, and all buyers were extremely happy. Charlene purchased one to expand her breeding program.

I will say it is a lot of work to be vendor chair, but a lot of fun too. I met many new vendors (well, new to me as I don't really get a chance to chat with many sales people at these fairs; either they are really busy or I am!), and look forward to seeing them next year.

The Bobbin Trees and Logs were well received, and my inventory will need restocking for Rhinebeck, my next show. :)

Leslie has been staying here with us this week. She helped me pick out the pattern for my felted coat, which I'll start making tomorrow morning. We have a few people coming to do the vest class only, so they will be working with us on Saturday and Sunday, but the coat people stay through Monday. I've seen the batts that Leslie has in her truck for this class, and I can't seem to make up my mind if I want turquoise blue, dark blue or this really gorgeous seafoam green. I'll probably go with the darker blue, as this coat will be more fall/winter/spring wear than anything else. But the pattern I picked out has a dress, pants and shirt that go with it, so I can make an entire coordinating outfit. The coat is long and designed to be worn over any of the above items. I've got a million ideas floating around in my head about what I'll make. I guess it will just happen.
Leslie and I were trying to get some additional felting time in this week, but that hasn't happened.

Today Charlene is coming up for lunch and promised to bring taco soup. Yummmmm!

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 6:45 AM EDT
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Felted Vests and MAS&W update
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: Modern English "I Melt With You"
Topic: Class Information & Shows

I have an update on the felting classes and some new info about MAS&W!

Leslie will teach two classes next weekend. If you want to make a vest, you can take the class in two days, and if you'd rather make a coat, you can take the full three day class.

The vest class will cost $185, including materials. The only thing you need to bring are a vest pattern suited to your sewing ability and a sewing machine.

The coat class is $330, which also includes materials (let's face it, coats use much more fabric than vests). Just bring your coat pattern and sewing machine.

The classes start on SATURDAY, June 4th at 10 a.m. We'll be holding the classes at the Fiber Arts Center in Amherst, but you need to contact me regarding registration, as they are only providing the workshop space.

Leslie will have all three vests, plus the full length coat and a new jacket she just made on display in our stall space at MAS&W. If you want to see these items in person, please come visit us. We'll be taking registrations at the fair (and we'll even take MC/VISA for your payments!).


Yesterday I received a luscious shipment of fibers from Peace of Yarn, of which I'm one of their retailers now. Some gorgeous baby alpaca, lots of silk roving and some exquisitely soft cashmere are just a few of the items I'll have for sale there.

Doesn't that just get your creative juices flowing???

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 12:57 PM EDT

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