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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
IAGARB registration and Leslie Samson's Felting Classes
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Elton John "Sacrifice"
Topic: Class information

Just a quick note here:

Our shearing party for January 15th had to be canceled. It seemed I picked Easter weekend for the classes, and that just wouldn't work.

So we are moving the classes to April 22-23, and plan to do a registration on the 21st.

So, if you'd still like to participate in registration for IAGARB, have your rabbits shorn by January 22nd, and either certified by a vet or another IAGARB member (remember, the rabbit MUST have a tattoo in it's ear!), and you'll be good to go! :)

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 8:02 PM EST
Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Shearing party and felting classes!
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Toto "Africa"
Topic: Class information

I was out and about today and saw this at the end of my day. How is this for a sky picture?

Now, for those of you that have angora rabbits, have you ever wanted to learn shearing techniques, but were afraid to ask? Now is your chance!

District 7 within IAGARB is hosting a shearing party with potluck lunch on January 15th in Amherst. We'll be there shearing our rabbits, but anyone with an angora rabbit that is mite free and healthy is welcome to attend and learn how to clip the rabbit's wool. Shearing can be a fun and rewarding experience for you and your angora, and we are willing to show anyone that wants to learn. You'll learn how to settle your rabbit so that you are both relaxed and we'll also share how to make bunny coats for the rabbits to wear until they have grown back enough wool to not need a coat.
Charlene and I will be able to certify any IAGARB members that want to put their rabbits up for registration on April 14th. We'll also have a bit of show and tell, so if you have any thing that you've made from your angora, please bring it along to show off! This is a party, so come join us! If you want more information, please e-mail me directly at Baycolonyfarm @ aol . com

Now, since we are having a registration on April 14th, Leslie Samson will be here to teach some classes. We'll be doing the Felted Mittens on Saturday, April 15. Leslie has new techniques to teach since she last taught this class here in November of 2003 and I can't wait to learn them! On Sunday, April 16th, we'll be doing a Felted Hat class. I don't have pictures of a felted hat yet, but I'm bugging Leslie for one. Leslie has over 20 years experience in felting, so come learn from one of the best! She'll have interesting stories from her recent Japan trip to share with us. Her trip included 2 gallery shows of her beautiful felted coats, and she also taught several felting classes too.

The classes are $85 per day, or $160 for both days and run from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. We break for an hour lunch around 1 p.m. and there are lots of area restaurants to choose from, or bring your lunch and relax. The final registration date is March 15th, so get your registrations in early! Again, e-mail me for more information or a registration form.

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 5:03 PM EST
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: Percy Faith and His Orchestra
Topic: Class information

This is a picture of some of the spinners that participated in the Alden Amos/Stephenie Gaustad class. Don't they look busy?

Thank you to Susan at the Fiber Arts Center for sending the photo! :)

And for those interested in making felted mittens, Dharia sent a picture of the mittens she purchased at MAS&W from Leslie. Aren't they beautiful? Leslie will be teaching a class on making these in September (date to be announced).

If you'd like to be notified about this class, or any other classes that we are offering, please join the Bay Colony Farm group at Yahoogroups at

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Click to join BayColonyFarm

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 5:21 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, June 16, 2005 5:27 PM EDT
July 16th Fiber Event
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: America "Ventura Highway"
Topic: Class information
Our district meeting for IAGARB is coming up on July 16th. Charlene Schultz is the district director, and has planned a great day for members. The theme for the day is "Bring a Friend" and all IAGARB members are encouraged to bring someone along who is interested in German angora rabbits, but also the fiber arts.

What Charlene has planned are several things:

potluck lunch
discussion on German Angoras
"How to market your angora and rabbits"
"Fiber Blending on a drum carder"
and a day of spinning, knitting or other fiber related arts (whatever you choose to bring).

If you are interested in joining us, please let me know. The event is FREE.

On another note, Susan from the Fiber Arts Center just called and has pictures of the Alden/Stephenie class that she is sending me. I'll be uploading those shortly. Thank you Susan for sending those along. I look forward to seeing them! :)

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 8:18 AM EDT
Thursday, June 9, 2005
The Alden Amos class is full!
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: The Spinners "Love Don't Love Nobody"
Topic: Class information

I received the last sign up yesterday for Alden and Stephenie's class. We will be full to capacity for the gallery room.

If I receive any other sign ups, I'll put people on a waiting list.

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 7:10 AM EDT
Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Drum roll please....
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: Smokey Robinson "Cruisin'"
Topic: Class information

The pictures! As promised:

Here we have Cathy Connor from IBIWISI Alpacas modeling her chic red vest with Border Leicester locks around the collar and front panels. Cathy e-mailed me on Monday night to tell me that she took the vest to work on Monday, and her fibery friends loved it!

Next is Sheryl, whom you might recognize from the most recent issue of Spin-Off. Sheryl is felting her fabric.

And here is Diane, an accomplished dyer and coat designer, showing off her red fabric with brown webbing on it. She'll look stunning in the coat when it is finished, and I can't wait to see what she designs!

Here is a picture that we took on Monday. Leslie Samson (third from the left) is demonstrating to (left to right) Karen, Diane and Sheryl the differences in felting needles.

And last, here is a picture of my partially completed coat. It still needs facing and sleeves, which will be made out of of a different type of material, that Karen and I plan to go looking for at Osgoods down in West Springfield.

We had a lot of fun in the class, and I'm looking forward to Leslie coming back in the fall to teach a class that Dharia requested at MAS&W. :)

Spinning Class Info

There are two spaces left in the Alden Amos Workshop. If you are planning on taking it, please let me know ASAP, as I can not save space due to the high demand I'm having for the remaining slots. I've filled 5 of them in the past few days.

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 8:25 AM EDT
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Updated class news!
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Class information

Due to requests from people, Leslie has decided that we'll offer the coat/vest class in two sections; people can either take a two day class and make a vest, or do a full three days, and make a coat.

If you want to take the vest class, the class dates will be June 4th and 5th, at the Fiber Arts Center in Amherst. BUT, you need to register with me, and not the FAC, as they are only providing the classroom space to us.

We'll be taking registrations at MAS&W on Saturday and Sunday, but color choices for your main vest color will be limited.

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 5:56 PM EDT
Monday, May 9, 2005
Alden Amos and Stephenie Gaustad coming to Western MA!
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Class information
After having known Alden and Stephenie via ST's since 1999, I'm please to announce that I have booked them to come teach in Amherst on June 12th from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. A write up courtesy of Stephenie is listed below. If you are interested, please sign up quickly, as I need 7 people so that I can run this class. Alden and Stephenie will only be in this area for a short while, so this is a great chance to meet and learn from some of the best!

A materials fee of $15 is not included with the registration fee, and is due the day of the class.


Production Spinning:

There are tips and techniques that can improve your yarn production. This class will present ways to get the most out of your wheel as well as several drafting techniques that improve the speed with which you make yarn.

Please bring a functional spinning wheel, pocket calculator, skein winder (niddy or reel), extra bobbins.

And related topic questions are of course welcomed.

We will supply all fiber, handouts.

Fiber/handout fee: $15.00.

I can't say that this class will make you a production spinner, but you certainly will have a good idea where the bottle necks are and have several options getting 'round them.

(When I took this class from Alden some years ago, it transformed my attitude towards spinning, and all for the better!)


If you are intersted in taking this class, please e-mail me at Baycolonyfarm @ aol.com for a registration sheet.

Payments must be received to be considered registered for the class; no phone or e-mail registrations accepted. Payments are due by June 3, 2005.

Please register ASAP so that we can run this class! :-)

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 7:43 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, May 9, 2005 9:06 AM EDT
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Melissa's Classes
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: Elton John "The One"
Topic: Class information
Melissa and I talked this past weekend, and thought that it would be really nice for her to teach two sets of classes; one day devoted to knitting and the next to crochet. We both feel that it is a shame that so many knitters view crochet as a dirty word, when it can really enhance a project, or be a gorgeous project all in itself. As you probably know, Melissa has just completed two crochet books; one for beginners called "Cozy Crochet" and the other which will be out in May, called "Cool Crochet", which is a follow up to "Hot Knits" which was released in May 2004. Melissa will have copies of all these books for sale at the classes, and I will have some needles and crochet hooks made by Grafton Fibers for sale then too.

So, here is what we'll have for classes:

Knitting on the Edge: Beautiful Borders: Jazz up your knitting with extra special edge treatments! Discover unusual textured borders, pretty hems, scallops, knitted-in fringe, and more in this hands-on workshop. These additions can transform even simple knits into eye-catching sweaters! 3 Hours, and some homework prior to class

Celtic Cables: Learn how to use basic cabling techniques to create Celtic inspired panels and motifs. (Shhhh, don't tell anyone, but these gorgeous cables are much easier to knit than they look!). 3 Hours, plus some homework prior to class. Proficiency in knitting with double pointed needles in the round is suggested

Crochet for Cowards: Want to learn the basics of crochet? In three short (and fun) hours, you'll have all the skills you'll need to create a beautiful in-class project. 3 Hours

Crocheted Hat Tricks!: Hats, hats and more hats! In this hands-on workshop, you'll create mini-versions of several quick-to-make and fashionable hats. Take the class handout (chockfull of full-size patterns) back home and let the fun begin! 3 Hours

Class fees will be as follows:

$50 for 1/2 day of classes (Saturday or Sunday)
$85 for a full day of classes (Saturday or Sunday)
$160 for the entire weekend!

Prices do not include hotel rooms, but I am in the process of contacting a few select hotels about possible discount rates for anyone that would need to stay overnight. Or if you prefer to book your own hotel room at another facility, I have a large list of phone numbers and addresses for hotels, motels and B&B's in the area.

If you are interested in these classes, please sign up ASAP. In order to bring Melissa in, I need a minimum number of students to run the class, so the sooner we have registrations in, the better off we'll be. :)

Please e-mail me at Baycolonyfarm @ AOL (dot) com for a registration brochure. We also take MC & VISA for class payments. (Yes, I'm a fiber enabler!)

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 5:44 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 5:50 PM EDT

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