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Bay Colony Farm
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Another Day at Bay Colony Farm
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
They're at it again
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Def Leppard "Love Bites"

The birds that is.

We are in round two of nesting in the barn. Which means I found another baby bird on the floor last night, still alive, but with no way for me to get it back up into the rafters back into the nest (as if the mother bird would accept it anyway). This always leaves me with the unfortunately job of putting a baby bird down, which I DO NOT LIKE! It is part of having rabbits though, in a barn that isn't completely bird proof, so I just learn how to deal with it.

On a funnier note, I had quite a surprise yesterday. While working at the computer, I heard a noise outside the window to my left. I looked up and saw nothing. A minute later, I heard it again. Once more, I saw nothing but figured that the window fan was probably dying. So I go back to typing. Then I hear the noise *very* plainly in front of me and I look up to see a large white cow with it's nose pressed up against the screen of the front window! Needless to say, it just about scared the living daylights out of me. Now, I do live in a farming area, but the closest cows to my house are 1/4 mile down the road, and I've never seen one of them loose in all the years I've lived here. It would have to go through several back yards, plus a conservation area to get here. But apparently, she did. So I called 911. That call went something like this:

911 Operator: "911. Where is your emergency?"
Me: (I give them my address).
911 Operator: "What is your emergency?"
Me: "I have a cow in my front yard staring in my window!".
911 Operator: (laughing hysterically) "A cow?"
Me: "Yeah, I know. It sounds stupid, but there is a large white cow in my front yard, loose."
911 Operator: (still laughing) O.k. We'll send someone right down to get it".

O.k. so it took 25 minutes for the animal control officer to show up. In the meantime, the cow circled my property several times (and freaked out the rabbits with her loud mooing!), and then headed back up the road towards her property. I'm thinking that she's headed back to the farm, but noooooo, she has to cross the road (which thankfully didn't happen in front of my house as it is a blind hill, and someone surely would have been badly injured or killed had they drove their car into the cow), and head up into the woods on the mountain. Great.

By the time the ACO showed up, the cow was in the woods and nowhere to be seen. So the ACO went down to the farm to see if the farmer was missing any cows. That is the last I heard about it. But it was exciting for my kids, and they were hoping she would come back (I wasn't!). I have nothing against cows; I think they are pretty cool, but these are a kind of beef cow, and extremely large. Plus, I didn't know if she was ticked off or just lost. And I wasn't about to find out. I did attempt to keep her in the yard, so that she didn't go out into the street, but without a harness on her, the best I could do was keep an eye on her and watch where she was going.

That was my excitement for the day. :)

Posted by baycolonyfarm at 10:18 AM EDT

Tuesday, July 12, 2005 - 4:09 PM EDT

Name: Judy
Home Page: http://www.jscothammerquist.blogspot.com

What fun, now that the anxious part is over.
It must be lovely to live in the country on a day like today. Judy

Thursday, July 14, 2005 - 5:57 PM EDT

Name: Suzanne

Hee, hee. That cow brings back memories. My aunt and uncle had a dairy farm in VT and I remember waking in the morning to a cow outside. I at least knew they were there, I can't imagine looking out and seeing one when you aren't that close to a farm.

Loved the concert picks. I saw Def Leppard (Deaf Leppard on the concert ticket) when they were the opening act for someone (maybe Billy Squier) many years ago when there only song was Photograph. Joe Elliott, yum, yum. Lucky you to get to meet the band.

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