Mood: cheeky
Now Playing: Frankie Valli
Topic: Rabbits
I've been home for a week now; one trip out on Sunday, but otherwise, housebound.
In that time, I've read *a lot* of books. I'm averaging one book every two days; thank goodness I save most of the paperback books I read; I have boxes of them. They are keeping my mind occupied, and I'm enjoying my down time immensely!
Yeterday was a medium sized snow storm. We got about 7 inches of snow. Here is a picture at the height of the storm.
And to get to the real part of this entry. Sunday was shearing day for certification for IAGARB. This means that we shear down the rabbits we want to try to register, and have it verified by another IAGARB member or a vet. Since I was really busy cleaning and shopping on Sunday, I did my shearing yesterday (allowable since I'm actually giving my rabbits *less* time to grow their wool). Samson's Twist 'N Shout was one of my choices for certification. Twist is a big baby when it comes to shearing; he's sweet and gentle, but wow, does he have gorgeous wool and a firm body! For the next 88 days, I'll feed him, try to keep him clean and on April 21st, he'll be evaulated by one of our IAGARB judges, then shorn by me and his wool will be weighed. If his wool weight makes 325 grams or more, and he passes the judges evaluation, then he'll be registered with IAGARB. Just think, 325 grams of wool in 89 days (because he wasn't shorn on Sunday, but Monday) is 11.44 ounces of wool!