More dyeing today
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Topic: Fiber
I've done some more dyeing today. More Border Leicester, which is one of my favorite wools (besides Icelandic and Corriedale). All of the dyed wools are outside drying in the sun. Now it is time to dye some angora, which I'll do in the microwave.
Denise asked about dyeing in a roaster. It's fairly simple, and I do mine outside on the deck.
I presoak my fibers in some liquid dish detergent and water for a short time. Then I fill the turkey roaster up about half way with water and add a couple of good glugs of white vinegar. I set the temp at 300 degrees to start, and then add the fiber. Once I have all the fiber in that I want, I add enough water to cover it. Then I sprinkle dye over the fiber. I drop the temp to 250 degrees, and let it cook for about 2 hours. I unplug the roaster and let it cool on it's own. Once the roasting pan is cool enough to handle, I dump the fiber out on one of the custom made fiber drying racks that my friend
Deanna makes. I allow it to completely cool, then I rinse it with water from the garden hose.
Here is what we have today:

Posted by baycolonyfarm
at 2:51 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, September 11, 2005 2:55 PM EDT