
Now Playing: The Rascals "Groovin'"
Yesterday was Day 1 of the MAS&W show. The weather gods have blessed us, as the sun actually came out on Friday and while we got a lot of rain on Friday night (which thankfully didn't happen until DH and I were done moving everything into the stall space), it was gorgeous yesterday!
Leslie arrived from Canada at 3:30 a.m., and slave driver that I am, I allowed her to sleep in till 7:15 when we had to get her up and out of the house to finish booth setup. I'd say we did a pretty good job of setting up the booth in 1/2 hour.
It was also my first day on as the new head of the vendor committee. Lucky me. ;-) Actually, Marian and I went around and she introduced me to everyone in the cattle and craft barns. We have a new change this year, and most everyone seemed o.k. with the switch. I will say this; a lot of people want to vend in those barns! :)
I also saw lots of bloggers and fiber list people there: Claudia was there wearing her very cool steel top along with Rosemary who was wearing her shirt which says "I'm blogging this" (and she was!). Leah and her very young looking Mom came to the booth to introduce themselves. I saw Jessie from CT, Helen from NETA, Marcy, Jarrett, Deanna, Kim D., Suzanne, Risa (whom I enjoyed talking to very much!) came by with her beautiful little twins, Cate breezed by with family in tow, and many, many others. I just love it when people come up and introduce themselves as "I'm from NETA, SheepThrills, Spin-List, (insert list of your choice)". The internet has done a great thing and really drawn people together. But I'll say blogging has done it even more
Today is Day 2. Leslie and I plan to get up to Cummington a bit earlier, and visit with the other vendors, some of whom she's know for 20+ years, but doesn't get a chance to see.
And doing part of my new vendor chair duties, I'll be going through the barns to make sure people are happy and to see if they need anything.
If you haven't been to Cummington, stop on up today if you are in the area. The show is one of the best I've seen, with some excellent new vendors, and some show favorites who've been coming for years.