
Topic: Class information
After having known Alden and Stephenie via ST's since 1999, I'm please to announce that I have booked them to come teach in Amherst on June 12th from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. A write up courtesy of Stephenie is listed below. If you are interested, please sign up quickly, as I need 7 people so that I can run this class. Alden and Stephenie will only be in this area for a short while, so this is a great chance to meet and learn from some of the best!
A materials fee of $15 is not included with the registration fee, and is due the day of the class.
Production Spinning:
There are tips and techniques that can improve your yarn production. This class will present ways to get the most out of your wheel as well as several drafting techniques that improve the speed with which you make yarn.
Please bring a functional spinning wheel, pocket calculator, skein winder (niddy or reel), extra bobbins.
And related topic questions are of course welcomed.
We will supply all fiber, handouts.
Fiber/handout fee: $15.00.
I can't say that this class will make you a production spinner, but you certainly will have a good idea where the bottle necks are and have several options getting 'round them.
(When I took this class from Alden some years ago, it transformed my attitude towards spinning, and all for the better!)
If you are intersted in taking this class, please e-mail me at Baycolonyfarm @ for a registration sheet.
Payments must be received to be considered registered for the class; no phone or e-mail registrations accepted. Payments are due by June 3, 2005.
Please register ASAP so that we can run this class! :-)