
Now Playing: The Cure "Just Like Heaven"
Topic: Fiber Friends
No work for me this evening. When DH came home to pick us all up, DS1 was sound asleep on the couch; worn out from his exciting weekend at Rhinebeck. So I'm here for the evening while DH and DS2 head back to Hamp.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand.
I met a lot of wonderful people this weekend. Many people read this blog, which makes me happy. One woman told me I was an inspiration to her. Who knew? :)
The one thing I really wanted to do this weekend was take pictures of the people that came by to say Hi. I even had my camera in the booth, but when I realized that it might be a bit obnoxious to be photographing people left and right, I gave up on the idea.
Norma stopped by with LauraJ (whom I've know for years now). They wanted to take a picture for Sandy of the roving that I had made from the contest winning photo:
Teresa's Evening Sunset, photo courtesy of Sandy Hurley:
Fooled you, didn't I? I showed a picture of it earlier last week calling it "Mixed Berry Pie". I couldn't very well give it away that this was the roving colorway from the contest before unveiling it at Rhinebeck, now could I? The angora/wool yarn will follow, probably at The SPA Weekend in February. The colors were trickier to get with the yarn than with roving, which is why it wasn't available.
Teresa came by a little later and saw her roving. She went home with a bump of it as her prize for the winning entry. Sandy will be sent her prize, as I had thought I could give it to her directly at Rhinebeck, but she was unable to make it.
Cassie and Claudia came by, as did Joe. Joe and I had a nice conversation about his curly maple
Robin wheel that he picked up on Saturday. I'm seriously jealous that he has that curly maple one; it is stunning! And Joe was so nice to meet too. I love reading his blog!
Elisa from NJ came by and picked up her Bobbin Log and I saw some of the NJ Fiber Fanatics, including Laurie, who had to have more Rhinebeck soap.
So many other people came by and talked to me, all of them wonderful. Each person had a different story to tell; how they got into knitting, spinning, crocheting, or were just enjoying the day being out of the rain! I enjoyed talking to each and every person that came by to say hi. I can't name everyone here, but this is one reason that I adore vending; meeting old and new friends, and sharing a passion for the fiber arts.
I want to give a special thank you to Linda from Grafton Fibers. If it weren't for her encouragement and thoughtfulness, I wouldn't make it through half of these shows. :) She's an inspiration and epitomizes what is the very best of vendors, helping where she can and selling fantastic products which make these shows wonderful.
I'll leave you this time with a picture of the yarn I spun up this weekend. I'll ply those tonight for the sock yarn.