
Now Playing: Paul McCartney and Wings "Silly Love Songs" and Pilot "Magic"
Topic: Knitting
But at my kids expense.
All this week I've been feeling rushed, with very little time to myself. Most nights I haven't been home from work until close to 9, and that is after being up since 5 a.m. or earlier.
Tonight we were supposed to head down to the Holyoke Soldier's Home for their annual Halloween party, which we were all looking forward too. But at 3 p.m. today, I got that phone call that every parent dreads; the school nurse calling to say that my oldest son was in her office with a temp of 101.4 degrees. So I head up to the school, pick him up and bring him back home. Yep, he's sick alright. And the nurse already told me he can't go into school tomorrow, even if the fever is gone (which I wouldn't do anyway; few things bug me more than parents sending their kids into school to infect other kids). So we'll be home tonight and all day tomorrow.
However, this little development has given me knitting time. Right after I go outside and bring up wood for the woodstove since it is chilly here!
Now, the question is what to start on? Do I swatch the yarns for the Rogue sweater, or just jump right in on the Flower Basket Lace Shawl? Never mind that I haven't dyed the Alluring yarn yet, I want to start! I guess I'll just reach into the bag and whatever I grab is what I start.
As a side note: I've had a few people ask what I listen too, since I seem to have lots of 80's tunes listed. I usually listen to AOL's Awesome 80's online station, but today, I scanned what was playing on their Super 70's station, and two of my favorite 70's hits were back to back. I just love these songs as they take me back to being a little kid on vacation at my grandmother's house in southern NJ. Ahhh, those were the days! :D